




 - #Erasmusdays

On 15th October 2021 at the DIZ-ISIS JOŽEF STEFAN a whole day day event was organised with the title  THE SCENTS AND SIGHTS OF ERASMUS+.  

The purpose of the event was on  the one hand, to disseminate our past (2018-20) E+ project, Biochemistry between Two Cultures, and our present E+ project (2020-2), Scents and Sights of Biochemistry. As both projects are based on common lab biology and chemistry experiments, hands on activities, done together with our parter school Rudbecksgymnasiet,Örebro, Sweden, the biochemistry students, that will be involved in the future 2022 exchange, prepared several PPT presentations. They have shown them to their fellow biochemistry students as well as to the Swedish students in Örebro, through an online  videolecture.  

On the other hand, on the same day, in collaboration with the local EuropeDirect office, we  arranged in all classes several quizzes about the EU. A contest with final prizes in English about the EU organisations, about  EU nationalities and states and about the most significant facts about the common EU heritage  was organised for all the second and third year students.  Both general subject teachers and specialty teachers (of electronics, mechanics, maths, religion, chemistry  and others) have dedicated a  part or their whole lesson to speak about European issues related to their specific subject. All things considered, the event has  contributed to enhance in all participants  the knowledge of EU history and values.Link to the event on the official Erasmusdays page:

Europe direct website writing of our event: