


Erasmus+ 2023-2025

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About the mobility in Spanish

8 – 18 april 2024: visit in Spain

On Tuesday 9th April, during the morning at the Antonio Cabrera Perez school we had an introductory meeting with the presentation of the program, we held team building workshops, and we visited the school departments under the guidance of the Spanish students.

After an excellent refreshment of Canarian delicacies, in the afternoon we strolled through the historic center of Telde.

On Wednesday 10 April the students carried out practical activities in the laboratories in small mixed groups. In the first group, the electronics students studied electromagnetic waves and the transmission and reception of television signals through gamification: the two electronics teachers prepared an interactive, practical and problem solving unit which included competitive moments, problem solving situations, various challenges and fun moments. The students performed the Hertz experiment in groups, which involves the creation of a system for the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves. The last part took place on the roof of the institute with the practical test of searching for the radio and television signal. In the second electronics lab the students discovered the process of creating telephone connections with the help of a telephone switchboard. In the first mech workshop the mechanics studied the electrical part of the engine, in the second they determined and entered the settings of the thermic sensors inside the engine with the help of programs and simulators. Subsequently, the functioning of the entered settings were verified on the car engine making it run.In the afternoon, together with the Spanish students, we are visiting the archaeological site of Las Cuevas Pintadas de Gáldar.

In the morning of Thursday 11 April we continued with the electronics laboratories, investigating domotics, radio transmission and reception, and mechanics,  where the students updated the control system for regulating the radiator temperature. The students learnt about the process of painting and varnishing the car.

In the evening the Spanish students guided us around the Las Palmas old city Vegueta.

On Friday 12 April, together with our hosts we visited the INTA space center, which collaborates with the European Space Agency. The institute collects and processes satellite data for emergency management, for the analysis of the earth’s surface and the monitoring of the state of the seas and for meteorological measurements. At the same time, the center regulates the operation of satellites and plays an important role in global telecommunications. In the afternoon, together with our Spanish peers, we enjoyed the beach of Playa del Ingles and walking on the sand dunes.

On Saturday 13 April we visited the market in the historic center of Vegueta, after a typical Canarian lunch, we visited the Museum of Science and Technology.

On Sunday we went on a whole day excursion to Agaete where we swam in the ponds by the ocean.

On Monday 15 April in the morning we visited the cutting-edge oceonographic centre PLOCAN. There we witnessed the latest researches in renewable  energy, the students performed a hands-on lab on the production  of hydrogen that was then used for powering an electromagnetic motor. Researchers come to the PLOCAN centre to perforn insight in the newest prototypes for deep sea researches. In the afternoon: visit of the archeological site Cuarto Puertas, lunch in the Natural park Gauyadeque and at the top of the volcano Bandama.

April 17: last day at the IES Antonio Cabrera Perez school: the students have prepared the dissemination materials, posters, presentations and videos regarding all the activities of our ten-day Erasmus+ mobility.

April 18: last day of our mobility in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. The students filled out the questionnaires, evaluating the various aspects of the mobility experience. Likewise, at the beginning of the activities they filled out a questionnaire that collected their expectations and initial knowledge. From the comparison of the acquired data it follows that all the students appreciated the workshops they took part in. The students praised the quality of the learning programme confirming the achievement of the set objectives. The students appreciated working in mixed groups and they recognized the practical knowledge gained. The students strengthened their intercultural awareness and improved their social skills.

Online article about the visit of our students at the technical school in Telde, Gran Canaria

Next week, from 8 to 18 April 2024, 14 students of the 4th mechanical and electronics class and three teachers will leave for the Erasmus+ exchange at the technical school of Telde in Gran Canaria. Today the article in the digital newspaper Teldeactualidad (3 April 2024)


October 2023 – April 2025: EUreka: electronics and mechatronics across Europe

The school year 2023/2024 sees the start of a two-year project with the vocational and technical school IES PROFESOR ANTONIO CABRERA PEREZ, Telde, Gran Canaria.

The 4th year students of the mechanical and electronics section will have online activities with their Spanish peers (get-to-know meetings and email exchanges, preparation of materials, etc.) and in presence ones. In March 2024, the school will host 10 Spanish students. In April 2024, there will be a 10-day mobility of 14 students of the 4th year attending the mechanical and electronics section. The purpose of this two-year project is to prepare students for the international and global world. During the mobility, students will integrate the theoretical part with practical laboratories, also using virtual environments, thus approaching the working methods of industry 4.0.

4-15 March: Spanish visit in Trieste

We welcome the Spanish students of the technical institute from Telde, Gran Canaria staying for two weeks at our school with the Erasmus+ project.

On the first day the students got to know each other  by working in mixed groups, visited the San Giovanni park together with some Stefan students, discovering its rich history. The Spanish students listened to  presentations about linguistic and cultural facts abouour area.

On Tuesday, March 5, in mixed groups, the 3rd and 4th grades conducted workshops on PLC programming, 3D printing, photovoltaics and LABView programming.

In the afternoon the Jozef Stefan students  guided the Spanish guests around Trieste, showing them  the most characteristic sights of Trieste.

On Wednesday 6 March the Spanish students, together with the fourth class of mechanics, visited the Orion valves company. The students saw the entire production process, from the procurement of raw materials to final checks and quality control. In addition to the factory, our guests also visited the national monument Risiera di san Saba, the concentration camp at the outskirts of Trieste city centre, learning about the bitter history of our places.

On Thursday we spent a day together in the snow: we climbed Mount Lussari, visited the Planica Nordic Center in Slovenia and walked along the snow-covered path to the Tamar mountain hut. A unique excursion for everyone, especially for our Spanish guests, who saw snow for the first time.

On Friday, March 8th, the students from the Technical school from Telde, Canary Islands, visited the Illycaffè company with their peers from the 4th electronics class. The students saw the modern automation process of production, from the selection of coffee beans to the packaging of coffee. They toured the quality laboratories, discovering the attentive work of the Coffee University. The students, along with their teachers, are grateful to have had the opportunity to visit this world famous company based in Trieste. It allowed them to understand the structure of the production process in all its phases, to see  the corporate ethics that permeates every organizational level, and witness the  company’s engagement  in  environmental and sustainability issues.

Saturday and Sunday were spent for a whole day visit of Venice and Miramare Castle. Unfortunately, due to bad weather the hike from Monte Grisa sanctuary to the sea had to be cancelled. Nevertheless, the interiors of the castle of Miramare with its rich history fascinated our guests.

11-16 March 2024. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the students continued to work in mixed groups in the workshops so that all groups completed all the scheduled labs. On Thursday, students in groups wrote reports, ppt presentations, posters and video presentations on all the activities carried out during the two weeks. In the afternoon, a basketball and football sports tournament took place.

A mini conference was held in the morning on Friday 15th March aimed at disseminating the results: the students presented to all the students and teachers present both the work carried out in the laboratories and the visits to the industrial plants carried out during these two weeks.

With the final barbecue organized by the 4th electronics class in Prebeneg we said goodbye to the Spanish guests.

¡Hasta la vista en Gran Canaria!