


Erasmus+ 2018-2020

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Biochemistry, a View of Two Countries: Differences and Similarities

Our Biochemistry department has been carrying out the two-year Erasmus+ project “Biochemistry, a View of Two Countries” with the Rudbeksgymnasiet school in Örebro, Sweden, since October 2018. The project is based on joint laboratory activities and student exchanges. As part of the project, we have twice hosted students from the Rudbeksgymnasiet school. On the first visit, we learned about olive growing and olive oil production, and in October 2019 we discovered viticulture, winemaking and wine analysis. In March 2019, during a one-week visit to Sweden, we performed a series of experiments related to DNA isolation, using the PCR method to amplify DNA, and electrophoresis,which allowed us to separate different nucleic acid fragments.

For the last two years, students from both schools have strengthened intercultural communication and got to know each other. They documented their work in the lab with videos and other multimedia recordings. They exchanged data and material, and compared the results, as for the topics of cheese making, lactose extraction and milk glue composition, and the use of Fehling and Tollens reagents for the determination of aldehydes and ketones.

Erasmus Plus is the European Union’s Education, Training, Youth and Sport 2014-2020 program.


Various lab experiments were carried out

Making Glue from Milk

Isolation of Lactose
from Skimmed Milk

Lactose: Reducing
or non Reducing Sugar?

Determination of
Total Acidity of wine by Titration

Alcoholic fermentation

Chemical and Microbiological
Analysis of Pond Water

Videos and posters from Rudbecksgymnasiet

Lactose and milk experiments


How to use a pipette